Are You Ruling Out Raynaud’s?

The doctors at Foot and Ankle Centers of North Houston are working hard to provide the correct diagnosis the first time. We love working with patients and helping them solve the big mysteries of what’s causing discomfort. What do you know about Raynaud’s? When exposed to cold or stress, this condition causes an interruption of blood flow to parts of the human body. For podiatry patients, this includes a patient’s toes. Pain and swelling may also come along.

A patient can have a primary or secondary form, and the former is the most common.


While the condition doesn’t impact as many people as other diseases, it is more common than you think. The disease affects 5-10 percent of Americans each year, according to the Raynaud’s Association. Often, patients dismiss their symptoms, and unfortunately, they experience attacks of Raynaud’s without realizing the name of their condition.


One of the best ways to receive a proper diagnosis is to reach out to the experts. Ruling out other conditions may lead to Raynaud’s — or something else. Regardless, knowledge is power. If you notice that your body’s response to the cold is painful or sudden, we recommend you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist. Early detection can help patients understand their condition and respond differently during their next attack.


Do you know the risk factors for this condition? Women are more likely to be diagnosed with this disease, and people who have these attacks more often live in colder climates. If you have a family history of this disease, talk to your loved one and watch for the signs.

At Foot and Ankle Centers of North Houston, our doctors treat various conditions such as wound careheel and arch painbunionshammertoesingrown nails, foot and ankle injuries, and foot care associated with diabetes. We offer our patients access to quality care at convenient locations: Northwest HoustonNortheast HoustonTomballLiberty DaytonThe WoodlandsAtascocitaCleveland, and LivingstonContact us for your foot and ankle needs.

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